Construction contracts in Montreal for general contractors

Be it in Montreal or in other cities like Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton or Vancouver, obtaining construction contracts for a newcomer in the field of construction and real estate is not an easy business. Although Montreal, like other Canadian cities, offers, with its large population, great business potential, many other factors play a predominant role in obtaining construction contracts. The MontrealCIE Business Centre, with its marketing and construction expertise, specializes in helping new entrepreneurs who have come to Montreal, Quebec and Canada, to establish businesses, make them known and provide the tools to them to obtain contracts and construction projects.
Tools, important factors and elements influencing the obtaining of construction contracts
For newcomers, business people and Canadian citizens from Quebec who are not RBQ licensed contractors, before even thinking about doing business and obtain construction contracts in Montreal and the Province of Quebec in general, it is necessary to:
- Obtain a general contractor’s license by:
- Succeeding in the examinations of the Government of Quebec, of the Régie du Bâtiment RBQ. These examinations which are of different types - administrative, technical and about safety issues – assume that you know very well the techniques of wood-frame construction in Quebec in addition to laws and regulations of labour and safety on construction sites. Moreover, it will be necessary to be a member of an association of building contractors in Quebec, or
- By signing an agreement with a sponsor who has passed his RBQ exams and who wants to vouch for the company.
- Or simply to act as a property developer and hire licensed local Canadian RBQ contractors to complete projects.
Once you have become an RBQ licensed general contractor, obtaining construction contracts will depend on several factors, such as the:
- Talents of the salespeople;
- Cost of the projects;
- Reputation and references from satisfied customers. An old-school entrepreneur with experience, even if he is not entirely up-to-date with IT-tools, will be in a good position to win contracts because clients look first for experience, good prices and confidence;
- The projected image: from his outfit, expression, documents, tools and equipment in good order and using professional instruments: e.g. digital catalogs on IPad, invoices and electronic means;
- Web marketing to create visibility.
In Montreal, as elsewhere, for many customers only the price matters. The lowest price usually obtains the contracts. Unfortunately, many customers are getting a bad deal by basing their decisions on the price and the entrepreneurs’ talents of persuasion.
The MontrealCIE Business Centre helps construction contractors who do not have the time to get on the cutting edge of technology in electronic marketing to benefit from resources in order to have all the tools at hand to obtain contracts with a team providing: desks, Web marketing experts, construction experience, a prestigious image in construction, customer support and advice for submissions.
Do not hesitate to contact us!